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关键词:  沙门氏菌  全基因组测序  血清型  耐药表型  耐药基因
Application of Whole Genome Sequencing Technology in Serotyping and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella from swine
(Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug)
[Objectives]To study the application ability of whole genome sequencing technology in Salmonella serotype and antimicrobial resistance detection, [Methods] We used 60 strains of Salmonella as research objects, Salmonella serotyping and antimicrobial resistance were analyzed by traditional slide agglutination method and Broth microdilution method. The nucleic acids of 60 Salmonella strains were extracted for whole-genome sequenced and assembled, and predicted the serotype and antimicrobial resistance genes of the strains by online prediction using SeqSero2 and ResFinder4 to each strain online, then Compared and analyzed with traditional methods.[Results] A total of 8 Salmonella serotypes were identified by conventional serum agglutination test, while 9 serotypes were identified by whole genome sequencing. The coincidence rate of the results of the two methods was 90.0%. The results of antimicrobial susceptibility test to 11 drugs indicated that the Salmonella isolates had the highest resistance rate to tetracycline (73.3%), followed by ampicillin (66.7%), sulfisoxazole (66.7%) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (53.3%), The antimicrobial resistance of enrofloxacin, meropenem, ceftiofur and azithromycin predicted by the whole genome were completely consistent with the antimicrobial susceptibility test results, and the coincidence rate of the predicted results of ampicillin, sulfisoxazole and tetracycline were all more than 90.0%. [Conclusions]The Salmonella serotypes and antimicrobial resistance analyzed by genome sequencing have a high coincidence rate with conventional detection methods, and have the advantages of simple operation. It can be used as an efficient method for analyzing Salmonella serotypes and antimicrobial resistance
Key words:  Salmonella  whole genome sequencing  serotype  antimicrobial resistance phenotype  resistance genotypes

