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为评价戊二醛、酚、含氯这三类常用消毒剂对非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)的灭活效果,参考OIE参考实验室相关操作流程,基于畜禽栏舍、运载工具、器具消毒目的,根据说明书标明的浓度范围选择低、中、高3个工作浓度,与ASFV分别在4 ℃和20 ℃条件下作用30 分钟,10 倍连续稀释后接种猪肺泡巨噬细胞,同时加入猪红细胞,培养观察红细胞吸附现象。结果显示,这三类消毒剂对ASFV均具有灭活作用,但效果因消毒剂种类和工作浓度不同有所差异。相同工作浓度的同一消毒剂产品,在4 ℃和20 ℃这两种条件下的灭活效果基本一致。戊二醛和酚类消毒剂,在说明书推荐的工作浓度下,均可有效灭活ASFV;含氯类消毒剂需在其说明书标明浓度范围的较高工作浓度时,才可有效灭活ASFV。本研究验证了三类常用消毒剂对ASFV的灭活效果,为生猪养殖、运输调运、屠宰加工、检验检疫等工作中消毒剂的选择和使用提供参考。
关键词:  非洲猪瘟  消毒剂  灭活
Evaluation of the inactivation effect of three kinds of disinfectants on African swine fever virus
(China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center)
In order to evaluate the inactivation effects of glutaraldehyde, phenol and chlorine compound disinfectants on African classical swine fever virus (ASFV), our study was designed referring to the procedures of OIE reference laboratory. According to the disinfection purpose of livestock and poultry houses, vehicles and instruments, three working concentrations (low, medium and high) of the disinfectants were selected. Then, the disinfectants were prepared and reacted with ASFV at 4 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 30 minutes, respectively. The reaction products were diluted 10 times continuously and inoculated in porcine alveolar macrophages, and at the same time porcine erythrocytes were added. The haemadsorption was observed daily. The results showed that all the disinfectants had inactivation effects on ASFV, but they were diversity due to different kinds and working concentrations of the disinfectants. For each disinfectant, when the working concentration was determined, the inactivation effect were basically same whenever at 4 ℃ or 20 ℃. Generally, glutaraldehyde and phenol compound disinfectants can effectively inactivate ASFV at the working concentration recommended in the instructions; chlorine compound disinfectants can effectively inactivate ASFV only at the high working concentration indicated in the instructions. Our study preliminarily verified the inactivation effects of three common kinds of disinfectants on ASFV, which provide reference for the selection and use of disinfectants in the aspects of swine breeding, transportation, slaughter processing, inspection and quarantine.
Key words:  African swine fever virus  disinfectants  inactivation

