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为探讨金芩蓝口服液对人工诱导和自然发病鸡风热犯肺证的治疗效果,以H9N2 AIV与脂多糖(LPS)为诱导因素人工建立鸡风热犯肺证,通过发病率、死亡率、临床症状等指标进行中兽医辨证来考察模型的建立情况;通过肛温变化、治愈率、有效率和无效率等指标考察金芩蓝口服液对人工诱发鸡风热犯肺证的疗效;将蛋鸡养殖场自然发病的600只200日龄的风热犯肺证患鸡随机分为两组,分别采用金芩蓝口服液与双黄连口服液进行治疗,观察记录采食情况和产蛋率,并计算治愈率、有效率、无效率和死亡率。结果显示,采用H9N2 AIV与LPS混合感染配合热应激的方式成功建立鸡风热犯肺证的动物模型;金芩蓝高剂量组治愈率和总有效率分别为90%、95%,金芩蓝中剂量组治愈率和总有效率为85%、95%,与模型对照组相比,皆具有极显著的统计学意义(P<0.01);而自然发病的鸡风热犯肺证病鸡,经金芩蓝口服治疗,治愈率达89%,总有效率达96.3%。结果表明,金芩蓝口服液可有效的治疗鸡风热犯肺证。
关键词:  金芩蓝口服液    风热犯肺证模型  临床疗效
Study on the effect of Jinqinlan oral liquid on chicken syndrome of wind-heat invading lung
(Jinan Yimin Animal Pharmaceutical Co., LTD)
In this study, Jinqinlan Oral Liquid was used to treat artificially induced chicken wind-heat and lung-injury syndrome to explore the clinical efficacy of the drug, and to investigate the efficacy of this product on naturally-onset chicken-wind-heat and lung-injury syndrome, with a view to the drug The actual clinical application and future product optimization provide theoretical basis. Artificial simulation of environmental stress and H9N2 AIV and LPS are used as inducing factors to establish a chicken wind-heat invading lung syndrome animal model, and use morbidity, mortality, clinical symptoms and other indicators to conduct traditional Chinese veterinary syndrome differentiation to investigate the establishment of the model; use rectal temperature Changes, cure rate, effective rate, and inefficiency are used to investigate the effect of Jinqinlan Oral Liquid on artificially inducing chickens with wind-heat offending lung syndrome; 200-day-old chickens with wind-heat offending lung syndrome that have been naturally onset in layer farms A total of 600 animals were randomly divided into two groups. Jinqinlan Oral Liquid and Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid were used for treatment. During the test period, the feeding situation and egg production rate were observed and recorded, and the cure rate, effective rate, Inefficiency and mortality. The results showed that the combined infection of H9N2 AIV and LPS combined with heat stress was used to successfully establish an animal model of chicken wind-heat invading the lung syndrome; the cure rate and total effective rate of Jinqinlan high-dose group were 90% and 95%, respectively. The cure rate and total effective rate of the blue medium-dose group are 85% and 95%. Compared with the model control group, both have extremely significant statistical significance (P<0.01); while the naturally occurring chickens with wind-heat and lung syndrome After oral treatment with Jinqinlan, the cure rate was 89%, the total effective rate was 96.3%. The results show that Jinqinlan oral liquid can effectively treat the syndrome of chicken wind-heat invading the lung.
Key words:  Jinqinlan oral liquid  chicken  wind-heat invading lung syndrome model  clinical efficacy

