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为了研究黄芩苷治疗H6N6禽流感(avian influenza,AI)患小鼠后后,对患鼠的血液学的影响。试验选用6-8周龄小鼠108只,随机分为6组,阴性对照组通过静脉注射生理盐水0.5mL·只-1,其余各组通过静脉注射接种H6N6禽流感病毒(108EID50)0.5mL·只-1,分别在攻毒3d后开始给予药物灌胃治疗:阴性对照组(灭菌生理盐水0.5mL·只-1L-1)、病毒阳性组(灭菌生理盐水0.5mL·只-1L-1)、西药对照组(27mg· d-1·只-1)、低剂量黄芩苷组(0.7mg·d-1·只-1)、中剂量黄芩苷组(1.4mg·d-1·只-1)、高剂量黄芩苷组(2.8mg·d-1·只-1),分别于治疗后3d、6d、9d采血进行血常规检测。通过对各组别患鼠血液中白细胞、红细胞和血小板数目变化的分析。结果表明:治疗3d、6d和9d时,高剂量黄芩苷组白细胞总数较病毒阳性组极显著降低(P<0.01);治疗3d时,高剂量黄芩苷组中性粒细胞数目极显著低于病毒阳性组(P<0.01),且与西药对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);治疗3d、6d和9d时,高剂量黄芩苷组淋巴细胞数目极显著高于病毒阳性组(P<0.01),且与西药对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);在治疗3d、6d和9d时,低、中、高剂量黄芩苷组红细胞数目均极显著高于病毒阳性组(P<0.01),治疗3d和9d时黄芩苷治疗组与西药对照组、阴性对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);在治疗3d、6d和9d时,低、中、高剂量黄芩苷组血红蛋白含量和平均红细胞血红蛋白含量均极显著高于病毒阳性组(P<0.01),且与阴性对照组、西药对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);在治疗3d、6d和9d时,低、中、高剂量黄芩苷组血小板数目均极显著低于病毒阳性组(P<0.01),治疗3d和9d时,低、高剂量黄芩苷组与阴性对照组和西药对照组血小板数目差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论:高剂量黄芩苷在H6N6禽流感引起的炎症反应中,具有降低白细胞总数,抑制出血反应的作用。
关键词:  禽流感  黄芩苷  血常规  白细胞  红细胞  血小板
Effect of baicalin on blood index of H6N6 avian influenza mice
(College of Animal Science,Guizhou Universiti)
In order to study the hematological effects of baicalin on mice treated with H6N6 avian influenza (AI). A total of 108 mice of 6-8 weeks old were randomly divided into 6 groups. The negative control group received 0.5 mL of normal saline by intravenous injection, and the other groups were inoculated with H6N6 avian influenza virus (108EID50) 0.5 mL by intravenous injection. individual -1, respectively, after the 3d challenge, the drug was administered by gavage: negative control group (sterilized saline 0.5mL · individual -1· L-1), virus Positive group (sterilized Physiological saline 0.5mL · individual -1·L-1) Western medicine control group (27mg·d-1·-1), low-dose baicalin treatment group (0.7mg·d-1·-1), medium-dose baicalin treatment group (1.4mg·d-1) · individual -1), high-dose baicalin treatment group (2.8mg·d-1·-1), blood samples were taken at 3d, 6d, and 9d after treatment for blood routine testing. Analysis of changes in the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and Platelets in the blood of rats in each grouP. The results showed that the total number of white blood cells in the high-dose baicalin treatment group was significantly lower than that in the virus-Positive control group at 3d, 6d and 9d (P<0.01). The number of neutrophils in the high-dose baicalin treatment group was 3d. It was significantly lower than the virus-Positive control group (P<0.01), and was not significantly different from the western medicine treatment group (P>0.05). The number of lymphocytes in the high-dose baicalin treatment group was 3d, 6d and 9d. It was significantly higher than the virus-Positive control group (P<0.01), and was not significantly different from the western medicine treatment group (P>0.05); low, medium and high doses of baicalin at 3d, 6d and 9d after treatment The number of red blood cells in the treatment group was significantly higher than that in the virus-Positive control group (P<0.01). There was no significant difference between the baicalin treatment group and the western medicine treatment grou and the negative control grou at 3d and 9d (P>0.05). At 6d and 9d, the hemoglobin content and mean erythrocyte hemoglobin content of the low, medium and high dose baicalin treatment grous were significantly higher than the virus Positive control group (P<0.01), and the difference was not significantly different from the negative control group and the western medicine treatment group. (P>0.05); in At 3d, 6d and 9d, the Platelet counts of the low, medium and high doses of baicalin treatment group were significantly lower than the virus Positive control group (P<0.01). The low and high doses of baicalin treatment were treated at 3d and 9d. There was no significant difference in Platelet count between the control group and the negative control group and the western medicine treatment group (P>0.05). Conclusion: High-dose baicalin can reduce the total number of white blood cells and inhibit the hemorrhagic reaction in the inflammatory response caused by H6N6 avian influenza.
Key words:  avian influenza  baicalin  blood routine  white blood cells  red blood cells  Platelets

