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为了解我国吉林省某地区猪伪狂犬病毒流行株JL1株的遗传变异情况,对PRV JL1株TK、gI、gD、gE和gB基因进行克隆测序,并与Genbank上发表的国内外毒株进行序列分析和遗传进化分析。结果显示JL1株TK、gI、gD、gE和gB基因与国内外其他参考毒株的核苷酸同源性为99.6%~100%, 96.4%~99.9%, 98.8%~99.9%, 98.1%~99.9%, 98.4%~99.9%;氨基酸同源性为99.4%~100%,94.3%~99.7%, 97.3%~99.8%, 95.7%~99.5%, 97%~99.7%。氨基酸多序列比对发现,PRV JL1株gE基因第48位和496位各插入一个天冬氨酸(D),与流行变异株的基因特征一致;同时gD基因、gI基因和gB基因分别有不同数量的氨基酸的插入和缺失。遗传进化分析表明,JL1株与国内近年来分离的流行毒株亲缘关系较近,尤其与JS-2012流行毒株亲缘关系相对最近,而与国外分离的经典毒株亲缘关系较远。通过对吉林省某地区分离的PRV JL1流行毒株的重要基因进行遗传变异分析,进一步了解PRV变异情况,以便对当前流行的猪伪狂犬病防控以及疫苗的研究提供参考依据。
关键词:  猪伪狂犬病病毒  变异  遗传变异分析
Genetic Variation Analysis of Major Genes of JL1 Strain of Porcine Pseudorabies Virus
(Jilin Agricultural University)
To investigate the genetic variation of JL1 strain of Porcine pseudorabies virus from Jilin province in China. TK, gI, gD, gE and gB genes of JL1 strain were cloned , sequenced and analyzed with domestic and foreign strains from Genbank.The results showed that the nucleotide homology of TK, gD, gI, gE and gB genes of JL1 strain with reference strains were 99.6%~100%,96.4%~99.9%,98.8%~99.9%,98.1~99.9%,98.4~99.9%, respectively. Amino acid homology were 99.4%~100%,94.3%~99.7%, 97.3%~99.8%, 95.7%~99.5%, 97%~99.7%, respectively. Amino acid sequence alignment results showed, there were two insertion of amino acids at position 48(D) and 496(D) in gE of JL1 strain, Which was consistent with that of the epidemic variant strains. At the same time, there are different numbers of amino acid insertion and deletion in gD, gI and gB gene, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed that PRV JL1 strain was closely related to the epidemic strains isolated from China in recent years, and it was far from the classical strains from foreign-country. In this study, genetic variation analysis of important genes of PRV JL1 isolateds from Jilin Province was conducted to further understand the variation of PRV in order to provide a reference for the current prevention and control of PRV and vaccines development.
Key words:  Porcine Pseudorabies virus  variation  genetic variation analysis

