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应用平板计数法和大肠菌群最大或然数(MPN)法对44份养鸡场土壤样品污染情况进行测定,结果表明春秋季土壤污染较夏冬季严重;以从养鸡场土壤样品中分离鉴定的大肠杆菌作为指示菌,对戊二醛和二氧化氯的杀菌效力进行了测定,定量悬浮试验结果表明0.01%戊二醛作用30 min、0.02%戊二醛作用5 min、25 mg/L二氧化氯作用10 min对大肠杆菌的杀灭率均达到100%。以土壤为载体的消毒试验结果表明0.01%戊二醛作用30 min、0.02%戊二醛作用10 min和300 mg/L二氧化氯作用30 min、400 mg/L二氧化氯作用10 min对大肠杆菌的杀灭率均达到100%,两种消毒剂均具有良好的杀灭效果。
关键词:  土壤污染  化学消毒剂  大肠杆菌  杀灭效果
The Detection of Escherichia coli in the Soil of Chicken Farm and the Selection of Chemical Disinfectant
(Huazhong Agricultural University)
Forty-four soil samples collected from the chicken farms were detected,and the contamination circumstances were evaluated with colony counting method and MPN method. The results suggested that the amount of total bacteria was higher than that of coliform group, which was higher than Escherichia coli. The chicken farm soil was highly contaminated in Spring and Autumn while less contaminated in Summer and Winter. A strain of E. coli was isolated and identified from the soil sample collected from a chicken farm which was used in the following study on efficacy of different chemical disinfectants. The results of quantitative suspension test of glutaraldehyde as a disinfectant showed that with 0.01% concentration for 30 min or with 0.02% concentration for 5 min to E. coli had a killing rate at 100%. The results of quantitative suspension test of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant showed that the activity of E. coli was full eliminated by 25 mg/L chlorine dioxide function for 10 min. The results of glutaraldehyde soil carrier disinfection test demonstrated that with 0.01% concentration 30 min or with 0.02% concentration 10min for E. coli had a 100% killing rate. The results of chlorine dioxide soil carrier disinfection test demonstrated that with 300 mg/L concentration for 30 min or with 400 mg/L concentration for 10 min for E. coli could achieve a 100% killing rate. Both of the two chemical disinfectants revealed a favorable bactericidal killing effect.
Key words:  soil contamination  chemical disinfectant  Escherichia coli  sterilization efficacy

