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为准确判断孕鼠妊娠日期及给药后流产数和探究莫沙必利对小鼠的妊娠安全性及相关作用机制,将99只小鼠按雌雄比2∶1随机分组进行妊娠造模,根据母鼠体重、外形及阴部变化情况综合判断小鼠妊娠日期,造模成功后将部分妊娠13 d小鼠分为空白对照组、米非司酮加米索前列醇阳性对照组、莫沙必利组,给药后观察整体子宫、胎儿及胎盘发育情况判断莫沙必利对妊娠后期小鼠流产率的影响;将剩余造模成功小鼠随机分为空白对照组、米非司酮加米索前列醇阳性对照组、莫沙必利组,并于妊娠15 d给药后采血,测定血清中缩宫素、孕酮、雌激素、前列腺素含量。结果显示:合笼30 d内共怀孕小鼠60只,其中56只可准确判断其妊娠日期并用于后续试验,占总试验母鼠的84.84%;给药后莫沙必利组胚胎均正常发育,阳性组流产率为100%,空白组流产率为1.79%;激素测定试验中莫沙必利组各项数据与空白组差异均不显著,与阳性对照组相比,血清雌激素,孕酮,前列腺素含量差异极显著。结果表明:试验中所建立的判断小鼠妊娠日期及流产数的方法准确度高且操作简便;初步认为莫沙必利对妊娠后期小鼠的胚胎发育无影响;莫沙必利对部分潜在致孕鼠子宫收缩而造成流产的性激素分泌无影响。
关键词:  莫沙必利  米非司酮  米索前列醇  妊娠  流产率  性激素  安全性
Pregnancy safety study of Mosapride
(College of Animal Science,Southwest University)
To accurately determine the pregnancy date and abortion number of mice and explore the pregnancy safety and related mechanisms of mosapride in mice,99 mice were randomly divided into two groups according to the male to female ratio of 2∶1 for pregnancy modeling. According to the weight,shape and genital changes of the female rats,the pregnancy date was comprehensively judged. After successful modeling Part of the 13-day pregnant mice were divided into a blank control group,mifepristone plus misoprostol positive control group,and mosapride group. The uterus,fetus and placenta development were observed after administration to judge mosapride. The effect of mice on abortion in late pregnancy;randomly divided the successful model mice into a blank control group,mifepristone plus misoprostol positive control group, mosapride group,and in pregnancy 15 Blood was collected after daily administration,and the serum levels of oxytocin,progesterone,estrogen,and prostaglandin were measured. A total of 60 pregnant mice were co-aged within 30 days,of which 56 were able to accurately determine their pregnancy date and used for subsequent trials,accounting for 84.84% of the total test mothers;the mosapride group was normal after administration. Development,the positive group had a miscarriage rate of 100%,and the blank group had a miscarriage rate of 1.79%.The morapride group had no significant difference between the data and the blank group. Compared with the positive control group,the serum female was the difference in hormone,progesterone and prostaglandin levels is extremely significant.The method for judging the date of pregnancy and the number of miscarriage established in the experiment is highly accurate and easy to operate.It is preliminarily believed that mosapride has no effect on embryonic development of mice in late pregnancy;Mosapride has no effect on the secretion of sex hormones that cause abortion in some potentially pregnant mice.
Key words:  Mosapride  Mifepristone  Misoprostol  Pregnancy  Abortion  Sex hormones  Safety

